Dates: Aug. 30- Sept. 26, 2013
Sorry guys I got a little behind on blogging....
How Far Along: 25-28 weeks
Size of baby @ 28 weeks: 2 pounds about 15 inches long
Baby's development: starting to dream, can sense light & is "plumping up"
Gender: It's aBOY!!!
Baby's Movement: William is getting more forceful with his kicks and I can see my belly move sometimes. I can feel him turning as well. Sometimes I wonder what he's doing in there.
Symptoms: Mostly just heartburn, I have graduated to using Zantac regularly and it usually controls my dragon tendancy of fire breathing. Ice cream and milk also help.
My Activity: Ran a 5K with mom, that was the last time I ran. Sean and I are still going on walks with the dogs. I would like to start swimming soon, but have not started yet.
Diet: Still love mashed potatoes (my favorite) & chocolate although I try to limit both. Still keeping a pretty bland diet to control heartburn. New cravings include milk & ice cream. I drink a glass of milk a day now (I have NEVER drank milk), I think that is good as I have read I need more calcium during this time for healthy bone development.
Maternity Clothes: I got a new installment of maternity clothes from my dad :) And I did some online shopping. I pretty much don't fit in any normal clothes except oversized sweats and of course my favorite... yoga pants and one of Sean's T-shirts :)
Nursery: We got William's room and bathroom painted! His bathroom is pretty much done, but we have a little work to do on his bedroom. My dad brought us Jerry, which has really added a lot of character to the room. We LOVE Jerry and know William will love him as well. We should get his crib in the next couple weeks.
My favorite things...
William has even more of a presence now because I feel him moving so much. I am talking to him more. I feel him move a lot when I see babies in the clinic, I love it :)
William's accomplishments: William has been to 2 VT games. Below are pictures from his first home game :) He ran his first 5K.
Other highlights: My parents and sister came to visit. We had a wonderful time!! It was soo great to have them here. It was the first time my sister had seen our new home. Ollie (my sister's dog) also came to visit and was on his best behavior after his recent training.
William's first home hokie game :)
Mom and I after Hokie 5K
William's bathroom
Jerry :) in William's room.
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